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  • Andy Robinson

Focus on the Positive in Negative Situations

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

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Look for — and Appreciate — the Positive Stuff. The current world turmoil, job market fluctuations, and other negative situations that occur continue to be a broadcast focus of the news media — we just can’t seem to escape it.  Negative news seems to surround us — striking fear and anxiety in many and paralyzing others. What we don’t hear enough of is the GOOD stuff that is coming out of our current times — the positive things that people are doing now that will ultimately make them better leaders, better parents, better friends, and better people.

After talking to many coaching clients, friends, and business associates about their personal situations and circumstances, and reflecting upon my own experiences, I’ve assembled a list of some of the positive and constructive things that we can focus on right now …. things that will ultimately help us emerge as better and stronger individuals:

Become More Financially Responsible. A lackluster economy is a great time to tighten the reigns on our budget, establish fiscal responsibility, and develop sustainable cost-conscious behaviors — trim the fat and focus on the necessities. It is also the time to clean up and organize your financial records, set and follow a budget that forces you to live within your means, and set aside some cash reserves.  Develop these habits now, and you’ll reap incredible benefits later.

Reconnect With Your Friends and Family.  When was the last time you spent real quality time with a close friend … your spouse … your kids … your parents? Rekindling personal relationships and building stronger bonds with your friends and family members is important. Support each other and do whatever you can to help your friends and family members deal better with their own situation. Spending quality time with your friends and family is very a healthy way to escape the stresses at work and in professional life.

Take Advantage of Learning Opportunities — Read More.  Now is a great time to visit your local bookstore or library once a week or so to find an interesting and mind-expanding book to read, buy, or check out. Think about the areas in which you’d like to improve or deepen your knowledge base and target books on those subjects. Keep a book or Kindle next to your favorite chair at home, one in your car, one in your briefcase, etc. Reading is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to learn. It’s also a great habit to rekindle now and sustain going forward.

Focus on Your Health.  Time for a tune-up and to take ownership of several things you CAN control — your diet, health, and fitness. Develop healthy eating habits now — it is much easier to maintain a healthier diet by eating at home than by eating out. Establish routine and rhythm around a daily walk or run — invite a friend or family member to join you.  Make a personal commitment to yourself that regardless of where the external world leads you, you WILL emerge with a healthier body. Do it for yourself AND your family. A healthy body is also much less expensive to maintain. You’ll look better, feel better, and save money!

Focusing on the positives will help lift your frame of mind which will help you be more productive in resolving issues and making improvements. Be patient and be positive!

Andy Robinson, Executive Coach



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