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  • Andy Robinson

How Open are YOU to Asking for Help?

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

There is ALWAYS someone willing to help you or “hear you out.” Highly effective people understand this and draw upon their contact network — their friends, family members, colleagues, business advisors, mentors, coaches, etc. — in time of need.

Asking for help is honoring the strength and value of your relationships and is a means for tapping the brain power and emotional support of others.

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Involving others in helping you wade through a key decision or resolve a current business or career issue is a form of complimenting them.  The idea that you value their opinion and their insights demonstrates your appreciation of those individuals and demonstrates that you value your relationship with them.   Knowing that they have helped you in some way makes them feel good — in fact, you both feel better, AND your relationship is STRENGTHENED.

Actively seek out the advice and counsel of others.  Listen to what they have to say.  The decision is always YOURS to make, but receiving others’ perspectives can be extremely helpful in making better, more informed decisions.

Surround yourself with a circle of advisors, people whom you call upon for advice.  Offer to do the same for them. Everyone benefits.

Action Idea: Choose ONE THING you’re struggling with and reach out to someone you know and trust to ask for advice or perspective. It may be the best conversation you have all week.

Andy Robinson, Executive Coach

AndyRobinson.Coach | 239-285-5575 | Andy@AndyRobinson.Coach

"Helping CEO's and executives maximize their influence and impact."

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