A call or an email from someone who has been on your mind. Return the call; reply to the email; engage in a dialogue and stay alert for ideas that present themselves.
A casual conversation with a “stranger” while you’re standing in line at a local Starbucks. Is there a message for you in this conversation? Is there a new spin on an old idea that you could implement?
A blog article whose headline grabs your attention. Take the time to read the article and be alert for new ideas.
A conversation you happen to overhear that contains a message or idea that resonates with you. Make mental note of the idea, then write it down on your “to-do” list as something to consider later.
A casual conversation with the person sitting next to you on the airplane. Maybe an idea surfaces that you can apply to your business.
An invitation to speak at a local club or organization, something you very rarely do and almost never receive requests to do. Step out of your comfort zone; could be a latent opportunity that emerges through someone you meet at the function.
The bottom line is this — take time to free your mind of the buzz of activity and what needs to be done — listen to what is going on around you — KNOW that creative ideas abound
and let yourself tune into them.
Andy Robinson, Executive Coach
"Helping CEO's and executives maximize their influence and impact."