When was the last time that you genuinely unplugged from technology? How often do you check your work email outside of work hours? There are times when we NEED to stay connected; however, the problem arises when we stay connected instead of enjoying QUALITY personal time. With the ease of accessibility offered by technology today, it can sometimes seem impossible to mentally step away from work. If you often end and begin each day by checking your work email, it’s time to set appropriate boundaries and “unplug.”
What is driving you to have the CONSTANT need to stay connected outside of work? Do you fear you’ll let your team down, or do you fear missing a time-sensitive request? Regardless of the reason, it’s essential to understand precisely what is holding you back from unplugging and having a positive work/life balance. Identify your motive and begin taking action to unplug. You will experience burnout and, ironically, reduced work performance without balance.
Try these three simple tips to begin achieving balance TODAY:
1. Set expectations with your colleagues and clients regarding when you CAN and CANNOT be reached during the evenings and weekends. Less outreach will directly correlate with less temptation to check your phone and email continually.
2. Silence your phone and turn OFF email notifications after business hours. We’ve become so conditioned by the constant "ping" and vibration in our pockets that we often want to check our devices when we DON'T hear notifications come through. By silencing and turning off notifications after hours, you’ll slowly condition yourself to feel the need to check for work updates.
3. Create "unplug periods" before bedtime. If you find the first two difficult, or if your responsibilities genuinely do not allow you to unplug in the evenings, try to unplug at least 30 minutes BEFORE bed and stay unplugged at least 30 minutes AFTER you wake up the following morning. Checking email, browsing the internet, and checking social media during these two periods does NOT give your mind the much-needed opportunity to relax. By practicing just this one tip, you’ll quickly begin to have less tension and feel more refreshed.
If these tips help you improve your work/life balance, please leave a comment and share your story.
All the best!
Andy Robinson, Executive Coach
"Helping CEO's and executives maximize their influence and impact."